How does the Thermocouple Work in the Glass Tempering Furnace?
27.11.2017 views:3338

How does the Thermocouple Work in the Glass Tempering Furnace?


The thermocouple in the glass tempering furnace consists of two dissimilar electrical conductors forming electrical junctions at differing temperatures. When there is a temperature gradient between the joints, an electromotive force is generated. This phenomenon is referred to as  thermoelectric effect  and the electromotive force is called thermoelectric force.

Thermocouple measures temperature based on this principle. The junction used to directly measure media temperature is known as the hot (or measuring) junction. The other junction is called cold junction compensation. When the cold junction is connected to a display device or a supporting instrument, the display meter will show the thermoelectric force generated by the thermocouple.
