About Glass Heating in the Glass Tempering Furnace (I)
25.09.2017 views:3554

I. Do not leave any shattered glass in the glass tempering furnace

In any case, shattered glass should not be left in the glass tempering furnace. Broken glass has to be removed after the furnace is stopped and cooled down. As glass fragments will melt on the heating oven base, the deposit accumulated on the radiation plate will affect the heat dissipation efficiency at the bottom of the heating chamber. When glass fragments fall on the heating coils, it may also cause the wires to ground or burn out. 

II. What should we do if the glass is stuck on the ceramic rollers?

During tempering process, in cases the furnace doors are not opened in time, heating time is too long, the conveyor stops, or other mechanical malfunctions occur, the glass may get stuck on the ceramic rollers. The proper way to handle the situation is as follows:

1. Stop the equipment. Switch off the power supply to heating unit and open the ventilation valves. Lift both front and back furnace gates to cool down the system.

2. If there is a large area of rollers affected, you should also stop the drive shaft and allow it cool down in air.  In case where glass sticks only on few rollers, you may take the drive belt off these rollers to stop them from rotation while the others remain rolling.

3. Lift up the furnace cover after the equipment cooling down to room temperature. Insert the safety pins to secure.

4. For large piece of single pane stuck on the ceramic rollers, gently tap on the bottom with wooden sticks to separate the glass from the rollers and remove it out of the chamber.

5. Take the roller conveyor out. Use wooden sticks to carefully clean the multi-pane glass off the ceramic rollers till the broken glass completely separates from the rollers.

6. Polish the rollers with 300~600-Grit waterproof sandpaper till smooth.

7. Do not polish before the rollers are completely cooled down or it could leave small pits on the roller and damage the surface.
